Kelvin Heard, Healer June 14- Preview
In Kelvin’s words-
I haven’t always been a healer.
I started out as a conveyancing lawyer in London in the late 1980’s but within 2 years had been laid low with ME, or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and told I most probably wouldn’t walk again by the doctors.

And they certainly seemed to be right – between 1991 and 1995 I grew ever more feeble as the illness took hold, eventually becoming bedridden and ready to give up all hope of recovery and seek a more final solution instead – until a little inner voice stopped me at the very last moment.

Soon after, by chance I met and started seeing a local healer and from then on my life exploded…the misery, depression and fatigue simply blew away as my healing progressed! Suddenly I too wanted to be a Healer, knowing without even a shadow of doubt that ‘Healing’ was my true way forward so…. no more Law – I had found my true vocation.

With regular healing sessions I was up and walking about again within six months, and had fun, laughter, interest and purpose back in my life in a big way. And six months after that I was working professionally as a Healer in one of the finest clinics in London, living a dream that only a few years previously had seemed completely impossible.

Which is why I now believe that whatever the upset, whatever the illness, whatever the problem, never give up: listen to your heart and your inner voice. They will not let you down.

There is always so much more that Life can offer and there is always another way around any problem – all you need do is change direction in your journey even slightly and everything changes with it.

You have the POWER, so have faith in yourself and USE it.

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