Why do people need this book?
To help them focus on dying as part of life, to demystify death and yet understand it as sacred. That makes life much richer, more meaningful; it helps us be more present for others.
When a friend asks you – “what is your book about?” – what do you say, in just a few sentences?
It’s about leading a loving life unafraid of death, so when it comes you will be ready—peaceful, accepting, open. And it’s about being with the death and grief of others. It is what Ram Dass has learned over so many years of being with great teachers, practice and teaching.
What makes your book different from other books on death and dying?
It is intimate, informal conversation about one of the most important things in life: death. And it covers a wide range—from getting past fear to being with the dying to planning your own last ritual. And there are great stories from Ram Dass of course about what he’s learned from friends who have died. And it doesn’t take itself too seriously.
Who is the audience for your book? Everyone who will die. People who are just becoming curious about death. Anyone who wants to get beyond fear, cultivate more love, live with more freedom…and people going through grief, people getting close to their own death. And people who care for the dying—doctors, nurses, hospice workers, family members. Also featuring a guided meditation at the end featuring Ram Dass & Boretta.
With great thanks to Soundstrue for the sharings from the audiobook Copyright Soundstrue.